Food Supply, Plant Growth & Productivity

Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

  1           2       3      
 4        5               
      6           7      8   
   9   10            11        
 13             14       15     
16              17          


1. Narrow band of visible light. (8)
2. Light which comes back off something is said to be ________________ (9)
4. The economic yield divided by the biological yield. (7,5)
6. Yellow pigment found in plant leaves. (8)
7. The form of energy used in photosynthesis. (5)
9. Technique used to separate leaf pigments based on their solubility. (14)
13. Light taken in by the leaf pigments is said to be ____________ . (8)
16. Chemical found in a leaf which absorbs light. (7)
17. Gas produced as a waste product of photosynthesis. (6)
18. Process used by plants to make their own food. (14)
19. Structural carbohydrate used to build cell walls. (9)


1. Structural carbohydrate used by plants for storage. (6)
3. Second stage of photosynthesis. (6,5)
5. Light which passes straight through a leaf is said to be _______________ (11)
8. A single level in a pyramid of numbers. (7,5)
10. Element which is transferred from the first stage to the second stage of photosynthesis. (8)
11. First stage of photosynthesis. (10)
12. Green pigment found in plant cells. (11)
14. Total mass of organic material. (7)
15. Unit of measurement used to measure the wavelength of light. (9)